Promarker ja kuitukärkikynä tussipaperille.
Maanantai 22.2.2021
“At Weisshaupt fortress in the desolate Anderfels, a meeting transpired. Soldiers of the Imperium, seasoned veterans who had known nothing their entire lifetimes except hopeless war, came together. When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.” Dragon Age Origins – Codex… Continue reading Maanantai 22.2.2021
Maanantai 15.2.2021
Maanantai 8.2.2021
Maanantai 1.2.2021
Biisisuositus: Junna – Et sinä huomannu
Maanantai 25.1.2021
Maanantai 18.1.2021
“She turned to the mirror and looked at her reflection, both pleased and troubled by what she saw. She looked competent, professional, a traveler who could look after herself. At the same time she looked less like someone called Sabriel and more like the Abhorsen, capital letter and all.” Garth Nix – Sabriel
Maanantai 11.1.2021
Maanantai 4.1.2021
Biisisuositus: Ember Falls – We Are Become Fire